Justice Matters 1: God of Justice

A series of short videos that form the biblical foundation for Justice. That God has always called us to be a people of the Spirit and those who pursue Justice.

Justice Matters 2: The "Other" Side

Jesus consistently reached out across the lines of society. Finding God's heart is there as is His power.

Justice Matters 3: Jesus and the Beatitudes

Jesus moved with unconventional morals and beliefs by religious and secular standards of the time. Yet with unbridled passion and love for mankind. I take a quick trip trough His ethos for life, The Beatitudes.

Justice Matters 4: Salt and Light

Fourth in the Justice Matters series dedicated to illuminating the biblical perspective of Justice.

Justice Matters 5: Vital Humility

There is a healing that can happen when we humble ourselves and allow God to do His work. May we see the vitality in humility

Justice Matters 6: How would God handle Racism?

Moses and Zipporah were one of the first biblical examples of an interracial relationship. They drew the ire of Moses' family, and his sister Miriam in particular.

The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern.
Proverbs 29:7 (NKJV)